Independent validation of big data/ AI systems
enhancing data driven business.

Actionable insight in Big Data/algorithm strengths and limitations. Manage your data and AI system risk. Assurance by independent validation for senior management, supervisory boards and (external) auditors.

Contact Us

We are a boutique consultancy

Big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are here to stay. Yet.... how sure are you about the AI systems that drive your business?
With decades of experience in algorithm development and validation in- the highly regulated environment of- banking and insurance, we know the pittfalls and opportunities of using AI systems for business.

We are independent from any vendor or system supplier. We love to help you gain insight in the strenghts, limitations and potential pitfalls of you AI systems.

What can we do for you?

Explore The Services
We Offer For You

A broad range... to ensure you can rely on your AI systems.

What can we do for you?


Independent review of your AI system algorithms, data and documentation.


Manage your exposure to model risk by setting and maintaining sound model and data governance.

AI standards

Be clear on how you develop algorithms, data driven solutions and how your staff should use them


Continuously monitor the performance of your AI systems. Anticipate and timely solve performance breaches.

Actionable Results
We deliver crystal clear and actionable recommendations high lighting both technical issues their business impact and suggested way forward.
Clear audit trail
We are thorough in our analysis using state of the art tools and methods. R, Python and MATLAB are amongst our tools including most open source AI/ Machine Learning libraries. Our work always comes with a clear audit trail.
We work fixed time fixed price. No surprises or hidden costs. We want to be as predictable as your AI systems.
Our approach
In our validation work we follow a clearly defined process. From intake to final result. You know beforehand when and what you can expect from us. This approach allows us to make proposals on a fixed time fixed price basis.
No secondments
We work on a contracting basis allowing our most senior staff to be involved in every aspect of our work. Ensuring experience is deployed where it matters and reducing costs for travel and expenses to a bare minimum.
We understand that your AI system and data is both unique and crucial for doing business. A non disclosure agreement is standard in all our engagements.

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